Art Starts From Listening

Performer, vocal researcher and Voice Coach, Verdigris grew up in Sardinia, in an artistic field linked to image theater and experimentation, in which he found himself immersed as an actor, and later as a trainer and director, since the age of 16.
The theater brings him closer to the work of the French-speaking playwright Matei Visniec, whose works he translates, publishing two collections edited by Titivillus and Publishing & Entertainment, and staging three of the plays.
Parallel to his work as an actor, he cultivates a passion for music by experimenting with the voice at 360 degrees, in search of an expressive and stylistic channel that is as consistent with himself.
He then became passionate about ethnomusicology studies which he conducted with the Teatr Zar company of the Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw, in a two-year research and collection of polyphonies in the Mediterranean areas.
He deepens the study of harmonic singing and diplophonic and dysphonic techniques, working alongside Maestro Mauro Tiberi for three years, and in those same years (2006-2010), he decides to undertake the path of specialization in the vocal method EVT (Voicecraft).
The search for the non-limit in vocal experimentation together with the increasingly specific knowledge of the phonatory apparatus, lead him towards the constitution of his own vocal method, giving life to psycho-emotional unlocking training linked to the acts of phonation. Thanks to this approach on personal growth through the voice, in 2014, he was called to give a talk at a TEDx Conference.
He works as a coach for great artists of the Italian music scene, accompanying them on important national stages, from Musicultura to the Sanremo Festival, and from 2012 to 2018 he takes on the role of permanent teacher of Voice Coaching at the CET - European Center of Toscolano - of Maestro Mogol, in the TourMusicCamp for singers of the TourMusicFest, at the SpazioNu in Pontedera and attends the 2012 and 2013 editions of the Rome Fringe Festival as a juror.
In 2017 he published his book "Siamo Nati Per Cantare - guide for singers in search of their own voice" and from December 2018, accompanied by the producer Valter Sacripanti (Nek, Cristicchi), and by the musician Christian Pratofiorito, he carries on the Saint X songwriter project , with YPK distribution.
As part of the Human Performance project "Cerchio Armonico", he designs and stages his interactive performances. The Harmonic Circle (or Harmonic Circle) project includes a series of live art works in which the audience is guided by the performer to interact through the voice, creating a completely improvised collective concert, in an act that mixes liturgy and tribality.
The project, born between the nuraghe and caves of Sardinia, has developed over time, involving over a thousand people throughout Italy in recent years.